Feb 20, 5:00 – 6:00 PM (UTC)
Data stories transform complex data insights into clear, actionable and context rich narratives to drive business value. The presentation of data stories in a visually compelling manner while keeping track of data changes is a challenging task. A possible solution is to implement appealing and interactive data applications, for which Streamlit is an established open-source solution. In combination with Snowflake, it enables an efficient and straightforward approach to build engaging data applications that utilize data directly from a data platform.
This presentation will demonstrate a proof-of-concept, showcasing the journey from conceptualizing a data story to implementing a Streamlit app in Snowflake using open-source datasets from Deutsche Bahn. So, hold onto your seats – it is time to explore the world of data apps with Snowflake and Streamlit.
inovex GmbH
Senior Data Scientist