About this event

Join us at the Snowflake London User Group event on the 6th of June, hosted at Astrato Analytics. This gathering is a great opportunity for Snowflake users and data enthusiasts to come together, network, and learn. The event will commence at with a 30-minute period for arrivals, allowing attendees to settle in and connect with fellow participants. At 6:30pm, the event will officially kick off with introductions, setting the stage for an evening of community-led presentations.

Our first speaker, Ryan Murray, co-founder of Sundeck and a former architect at Dremio, will share his expertise on "Optimizing Warehouse Allocation: Strategies for Cost Management in Snowflake." With his background in the financial services industry and a PhD in theoretical physics, Ryan brings a unique perspective on data accessibility and customer success.

Following Ryan's presentation, Piers Batchelor, an award-winning data expert and product strategist, will present "Using ChatGPT Directly in Snowflake". Piers is known for his innovative solutions, and his involvement in the 2023 Snowflake Data Superhero cohort. His talk will explore the integration of AI-driven conversational interfaces within the Snowflake environment.

The event will conclude with closing remarks and an opportunity for attendees to provide topic requests for future user group meetings. We will close with open networking, enabling participants to connect, exchange ideas, and build relationships within the Snowflake community. Don't miss this chance to expand your knowledge, engage with industry experts, and meet fellow Snowflake users. We look forward to seeing you there!



Tuesday, June 6, 2023
5:00 PM – 7:30 PM UTC


Arrivals & Reception
Optimizing Warehouse Allocation: Strategies for Cost Management in Snowflake
Using ChatGPT Directly in Snowflake
Audience Questions


  • Piers Batchelor

    Astrato Analytics

    Sr. Product Manager

  • Ryan Murray




  • Chris Marland


    Senior Data Engineer

  • Niall Woodward



  • Piers Batchelor

    Astrato Analytics

    Sr. Product Manager


  • Peter Aubrey

  • Andrew Mason

    PMM Intern at Snowflake