About this event

The Snowflake User Group in the Netherlands is getting together virtually on July 9th at 2pm! Join us virtually to hear from Eneco and Enexis Groep about their journeys to Snowflake, and connect with other users. There will be opportunities for networking, questions and answers, and details on our next user group event. Register now and join us!

You will need to have access to Zoom to participate in this meeting. If you don't have access, please go to https://zoom.us/ and sign up for a free account. We look forward to seeing you there!


2:00 PM | Introductions

2:15 PM | Eneco's Journey to Snowflake

2:45 PM | Questions & Answers

3:00 PM | Enexis Groep's Journey to Snowflake

3:30 PM | Questions & Answers

3:45 PM | Closing Remarks


  • Martin Ramp


    Tech Lead BI

  • Guido Puts

    Enexis Groep

    Data Architect


  • Daan Bakboord

    Pong BV

    Manager Data & Analytics