About this event

On behalf of the Vio.com and the Benelux User Group steering committee, we are delighted to invite you to the Vio.com office on Thursday, March 30th, for our next Snowflake Usergroup meeting.

Launched in 2010 as FindHotel and recently rebranded to Vio.com, the company has scaled profitability within the online travel (marketplace) industry, offering price comparison and direct booking options. Join us and find out how Vio.com is able to leverage its data to fulfil its mission to get every traveler the best accommodation deal, worldwide.


Session 1: Creating Vio.com’s self-serve data platform in Snowflake and AWS

In this session we will explain how we solved our analytics scalability challenge, more than doubled the number of data products, and enabled business teams to focus on delivering value by leveraging Snowflake features to abstract the complexities of the data infrastructure into the data platform, allowing the adoption of the Data Mesh paradigm by promoting a distributed ownership of data products.

Session 2: Monitoring Machine Learning models using Snowpark

With data science growing more than ever at Vio.com, the number of products relying on ML models has increased dramatically, making it impossible for machine learning engineers to monitor them in an ad-hoc fashion. Learn how we leveraged Python Snowpark and tasks to create a framework to monitor ML models that can be easily used and extended by data scientists.


17:00 | Registration and welcome drink

17:30 | Creating Vio.com’s self-serve data platform in Snowflake and AWS

18:15 | Break & Food

19:00 | Monitoring Machine Learning models using Snowpark

19:45 | Networking & Drinks

20:30 | End of program



Thursday, March 30, 2023
3:00 PM – 6:30 PM (UTC)


  • Fernando Raposo


    Engineering Manager

  • Arseny Egorov


    Data Engineer

  • Cristian Gomez


    Analytics Engineer


  • Daan Bakboord


    Chapter Leader