About this event

The Snowflake User Group - Denmark, is getting together virtually on January 20 at 8:30 am CET!

Join us to learn from Snowflake customers SimCorp and Ledernes Hovedorganisation, as they will share their Snowflake journeys, discuss business outcomes, and lessons learned along the way. Henrik Nielsen, Principal Sales Engineer at Snowflake will also share a quick overview of new features in Snowflake, and some additional info about Snowpark/Python. 


08:30 AM -  Welcome & Introductions
08:40 AM - Shared learnings from SimCorp
09:00 AM - Shared learnings from Ledernes Hovedorganisation
09.20 - AM Snowflake Technical Update incl. Python support
09.40 AM - Wrap up and Q&A
10.00 AM - Event Close

Looking forward to seeing you there!


  • Rune Bendix Wittchen

    Devoteam Data Driven

    Chapter Leader

  • Ejvind Hald

    Ejvind Hald Consult

    Chapter Leader