About this event

The Snowflake Data Science User Group is getting together virtually on April 12th! Join us to hear from other Snowflake users, grow your professional network, ask questions, and get details on our next meeting. During this meeting Amanda Watkins, Solution Architect at Anaconda, will take you through an overview of how to manage your Snowflake Python environments using Conda. Following the presentation, there will be dedicated time for live audience Q&A. This meeting will be hosted live on Zoom. Please register to participate!


Welcome & Introductions (5 minutes)

Managing Your Snowflake Python Environments using Conda (40 minutes)

Attendee Questions & Answers (10 minutes)

Closing Remarks (5 minutes)

 The strength of Python is its amazing variety of powerful data-science tools and libraries, but it can be challenging to assemble all the right versions of these libraries and their dependencies to support your data analysis or machine learning task. As more practitioners leverage Python with Snowflake to build secure and scalable data pipelines and machine learning workflows, package management tools become even more important. Conda is a cross-platform solution available on Snowflake for finding and installing open-source packages and libraries in multiple software environments that can be maintained and run separately without interference from each other. During this session, Amanda Watkins, Solution Architect at Anaconda, will discuss how to utilize Conda for managing Python environments for Snowflake.


  • Amanda Watkins


    Solutions Architect