Dallas Snowflake User Group: Summit 2023 Recap

Dallas / Ft. Worth

Join us in person for the Snowflake Dallas Fort Worth user group meeting on July 25th at 6:00 pm!

Jul 25, 2023, 11:00 PM – Jul 26, 2023, 1:00 AM (UTC)

About this event

Join us in person for the Snowflake Dallas Fort Worth user group meeting on July 25th at 6:00 pm!

During this session, we'll have a panel of presenters who will recap topics from the Snowflake Summit 2023 event. Our panel will include several Snowflake employees as well as industry experts such as Louis Mangiacapra, Joseph Lewright, Shankar Narayanan SGS, and Joyce Avila. Topics will include Generative AI / LLM, Snowpark ML Ops and Snowpark Container Services, Microsoft Integrations and announcements, GIT Integration, Snowflake and Salesforce bi-directional sharing, Budget Prediction, and much more!

Following the presentation, you'll have the opportunity to engage with a panel of Snowflake employees, where you can ask any questions you may have. Please bring your laptop and queries to make the most of this interactive session.

Light food and beverages will be available upon arrival and throughout the event. To secure your spot, please remember to register in advance. We look forward to seeing you there! 


6:00 pm | Arrivals (30 minutes)

6:30 pm | Kickoff & Introductions (10 minutes)

6:40 pm | Snowflake Summit Recap, by Panel

7:40 pm | Closing Remarks & Topic Requests (5 minutes)

7:45 pm | Networking (15 minutes)

Location & Parking

Dallas Makerspace - 1825 Monetary Ln #104, Carrollton, 75006

Free parking in front of the building



July 25 – 26, 2023
11:00 PM – 1:00 AM (UTC)


11:00 PMArrivals
11:30 PMKickoff & Introductions
11:40 PMSnowflake Summit Recap
12:40 AMClosing Remarks & Topic Requests
12:45 AMNetworking


  • Joyce Avila


    Chief Innovation Officer

  • Sanjay Kattimani


    Solutions Architect


  • Joyce Avila


    Chief Innovation Officer

  • Aran Sakzenian


    Sr. Solutions Engineer